A data structure that consists of nodes in a parent/child relationship.
List: linear
Trees: none linear
二元樹 Binary Search Tree
Big O of BST
Searching — O(logn)
Insertion — O(logn)
定義節點 Node
定義節點 Node 的 class,再去定義 Singly linked list 的 class。
定義 Binary Search Tree
🎰 接著實作尋訪 & 插入新節點
700. Search in a Binary Search Tree
var searchBST = function(root, val) {
if(!root) return null;
let current = root;
while(current) {
if (current.val > val) {
current = current.left;
} else if (current.val <val) {
current = current.right;
} else {
return current;
return null
找尋值,首先確認樹不是空的。接著把 root 設定給 current 變數,當 current 存在時,就去和要找的數字 val 比較。如果 val 比較小的話,代表在節點的左方,反之亦然。如果一樣的話,代表找到答案。
701. Insert into a Binary Search Tree
var insertIntoBST = function(root, val) {
let newNode = new TreeNode(val);
if(root == null) {
root = newNode;
return root;
let current = root;
while(true) {
if (val < current.val) {
if(current.left == null) {
current.left = new TreeNode(val);
return root
} else {
current = current.left
} else if (val > current.val) {
if(current.right == null) {
current.right = new TreeNode(val);
return root
} else {
current = current.right
如果一開始的樹是空的,設定一個節點給它即完成。如果有節點的話,去判斷節點是否比要插入的值大,大的話往左,小的話往右。走到最底層,設定一個新的節點給該值,最後返回 root。
🚪 前往題目:LeetCode-Binary Search Tree二元樹
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